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Iraq-Chalabi-Iran update

My far fetched theory is gaining credibility. The Times reports (The Times and Chalabi have a history together remember?):

"Ahmad Chalabi, the Iraqi leader and former ally of the Bush administration, disclosed to an Iranian official that the United States had broken the secret communications code of Iran's intelligence service, betraying one of Washington's most valuable sources of information about Iran, according to United States intelligence officials."


Posted by in Old Stuff @ 02 06 04 | No comments / One trackback


Why would Iran want the US to invade Iraq? It is a crucial question to be answered in the Chalabi-Teheran saga... Let me float a theory. Now, the Iranian leadership wasn't that fond of Saddam to begin with. On top of that, Iran was illegally involved in nuclear technology and featured high on Mr. B's "axis of evil" list. As a matter of fact, Iran posed a much greater WMD-threat then Iraq and it's leaders do have a history of sponsoring Islamic terrorism. If a case for war centered around WMD and terrorist sponsoring was to be made, Iran was it's main target.


Posted by in Old Stuff @ 02 06 04 | No comments / One trackback



